OMG! He Fallz Aparts!

Here are some pictures of things. One is me, chilling with me at age 4, dressed like some Mickey Mouse/Superman hybrid.

The other is a progression of the males in my family, starting with me, then my dad, then my 2 grand fathers.


Second Words and Images. As nerdy as the first.

Made the 'shroom huge. Couldn't help it pixelating, it's an 8-bit image. That is all.

It sucks. But it's done.

Diving into a shot glass of tequila! Yayz!

ZOMFG! Haxz0rgs! Will's King Kong!

Took an image of Marcus Fenix, of Gears of War fame and coated him in translucent Xbox 360 box art. W00t.


Nemez seems frightened that he's being cried out of some randoms eye. I would also be scared.
Also, he only wrapped 3 fingers around the large blue object which I told him to stand behind. Weird.

OMGZ! Haven't you heard? The bird is the word! Pass it on!
Sorry it's so low-res. I blame Blogger's uploading system.

It's a shoe, made of shoes! Mostly of the Converse All-Star variety, with the occasional Nike Free and Hyperdunk thrown in there. I like how it turned out, given it only took me one day.